A Snapshot of MathLink Core Users
Center for Math and Teaching (CMAT) confirmed the longitudinal growth of students who were using MathLinks (©2014) using data from the California Department of Education website. To read more, click here.
An Intervention Story of Success
A large urban school district in Northern California used MathLinks (©2014) and MathLinks Essentials (© 2017) in a second-period intervention class. Based on NWEA data, students in intervention classes OUTPERFORMED their peers and the assessment’s normed average! To read more, click here.

Feedback from Our Users
8th Grade Student
San Fernando Valley Summer Program
Los Angeles, CA
“I experienced the Jumps and Slides as fun and challenging because it was hard to find a pattern and answer, but it was fun to collaborate with my team. A moment when I had to persevere was when we were trying to find the pattern because my team and I were communicating and collaborating, and it was wonderful. And when we finally found the answer it was pure happiness and relief!”
7th Grade Student
Calvary Summer Math Institute
Los Angeles, CA
“I really liked the lake problem because you had to use your mind, and I love how it became an algebra expression.”
Dr. Michael Farber
Assistant Principal, View Park High School
Math Director, ICEF Public Schools
“I work at a public charter school in Los Angeles and we used MathLinks Essentials in a summer bridge program for incoming 9th graders. The students were engaged with the materials and found the format of the work packets easy to understand. I especially liked the integer packets and the treatment of zero pairs. It created an opening for some deeper discussions about future topics in mathematics that leverage and use the concept of a zero pair to simplify, rewrite, and solve expressions and equations. The PowerPoints helped to simplify and focus instruction that promoted understanding and rich conversations. A set of pre-post tests showed that the students understood concepts better after instruction. The supplemental activities and tech resources helped to create an engaging and interactive environment that helped sustain learning during the 3 and 1/2 hours of our summer bridge classes. I personally appreciated the way the teacher edition was set up. It was simple and straightforward to use. I think that even inexperienced teachers will find it understandable and easy to use. We are excited to use these materials as part of our intervention class during the school year as well.”
Associate Superintendent
Middle Sized School District in Los Angeles
“We have worked closely this past year with CMAT on a professional development contract. The scope of work covers content and pedagogy work with grade K-8 teachers, instructional coaches, and administration, as well as time with instructional aides. CMAT has done a wonderful job presenting CGI to our primary grade teachers and pushing all teachers and coaches to become more familiar with the CCSS-M content and mathematical practice standards. The Administrator PD was very well received and gave a much deeper understanding to what a mathematics classroom should look like and the types of discussions to expect. At the end of last year, CMAT joined administrators to walkthrough middle school classrooms after a discussion on best practices. An elementary walkthrough is scheduled for this year after the success and discussions from last year. Our aides have been thrilled to be part of this work as well, learning useful games and strategies to engage the students. I personally have visited many classrooms and am happy to report that we are seeing real growth and change in our teachers, and it is being reflected in the work they are doing with the students. We have a contract through this school year and look forward to continuing our relationship with CMAT.”
Lisa Miranda, Los Angeles Leadership Academy
“Our students and teachers love the programs. The teacher lesson information makes the lesson planning easy. The students love working through their packets. I’m enjoying their (students) conversations and discussions.”
Kristen, teacher, Nashbille, TN
“We just wanted to express our sincere gratitude. We saw the most growth we have ever had in math as a school (using MathLinks) with our lowest scholars”
Laura Deans, RSP Math Teacher
“My class is made up of students with learning disabilities who cannot make it in a general education setting due to pace, rigor, and disability. I love these packets as I can tailor the pace of the lesson to the needs of the students and the rigor is still high. On the state test this year, my RSP 8th grade math students received the highest points on the test when compared to other RSP math students in similar school districts in the area. I have to think that the MathLinks curriculum, though started later in the year, aided in the success of my students on the test.”
James Schierer, Teacher at King City USD
“As a high school math teacher I have noticed that the students who have used Math Links came in better prepared to start the year. They also were able to fall back on alternate strategies learned in Math Links to help them continue with their work.”
Shala Zeidan, Teacher
“The professional development increased my self confidence about [transformational] geometry. It won’t be as hard as I thought it was going to be for me or my students. Thank you.”
Kerry McFarland, Math Teacher at Buckeye USD
“I have used the supplementary unit Proportional Relationships for two years now. The rich problems engage students of all abilities, challenging all by the need to use multiple methods. I find it to be a cohesive unit that nicely ties together ratios, rates, proportionality, and direct variation, with special attention to the language of CCSS-M.”
Stephanie Fox, Teacher
“Students don’t lose the MathLinks packets and I have seen a huge percent increase in homework completion.”
7th Grade Student, Buena Park Junior High School
“I like the packets because I am more organized and do not lose the papers. The work seems easy too.”
Esther Taylor, RSP Math Teacher in Los Angeles
“Thank you for a great year of Math Links training. It has been very helpful and informative. I appreciate the professional and also personable presentations. The practice of the hands on activities has been insightful and enjoyable.”